Next to EQ, compression is the most important type of processing used in audio mixing. It allows you to reduce the dynamic range of a track to give it more energy and keep it more present in the mix. That said, compression can also be one of the more confusing effects, making it difficult to know where to set each of the audio compressor settings for each instrument. That’s why I put together my brand new, totally free “The Ultimate Compression Cheat Sheet” (grab the compression cheat sheet for free by clicking here).
Free Compression Cheat Sheet
The Ultimate Compression Cheat Sheet is the product of my 15+ years of professional audio mixing experience, all rolled into one 100+ page FREE cheat sheet.

To download The Ultimate Compression Cheat Sheet, simply enter your email address below to download it for free:
In addition to showing an entire cheat sheet graphic for every notable instrument, complete with the best compression settings to dial in for instant effective results, each individual instrument is broken down with specific detailed graphics demonstrating the best settings for each parameter.
Just as importantly, I explain why I recommend setting each parameter where I do and the effect it has on the instrument.
The cheat sheet shows how to bring out more energy from your tracks, keep them in front of or present in the mix, and all while maintaining the transient punch of that instrument.
I also cover and talk practically about how to use compression techniques like limiting, sidechain, parallel, multiband, and serial compression, and much more.
Nothing is left uncovered in this comprehensive free audio compression guide.
The only cheat sheet you’ll ever need, grab The Ultimate Compression Cheat Sheet now for free and never wonder where to set your compressor again!